Some useful activities you might like to try during January in the lead-up to starting Prep.
Don’t Forget:
Write down the date your child starts school _____________.
If you have a son, use opportunities to practise using the urinal.
Write your name on all of their school things and involve your child in recognising their name.
Purchase Pre Printed Labels for your children’s belongs. See across for links.
If you live close to the school, go for a walk together and practise crossing roads safely.
Organise Before and After School Care if required.
How About:
Setting up a play date for your child to play with a friend who may be going to their school.
Check out your local library and let your child choose a selection of books.
Take a ball to the park and throw, catch and kick together.
Organise a picnic with a packed lunch and encourage your child to open the packages and containers themselves.
Talking with your child about healthy food and what foods they like. . . . .
Perhaps prepare snack selection baskets. Baskets in the pantry or fridge could be numbered indicating how many snacks from that basket they can choose for their lunch boxes, or you could cook together. With help the child feel aware of the foods they are eating.
Let your child practise:
Putting on their school shoes and walking in them.
Dressing in their School Uniform.
Putting on their Togs.
Writing Alphabet Letters.
Drinking from the Bubbler.
Cutting and Pasting Pictures from a magazine and drawing pictures.
Label Links
Getting Ready for School
- Supply your child’s transition statement to the school, if required. Or return consent form for centre to provide.
- Attend School orientation or transition days, check you have the schools phone number, and they have your best contact number.
- Take your child to your doctor or health Centre for a check up before school starts. Including eyes and ears should you have any concerns.
- If your child has an allergy, medical condition, takes medication or has any additional requirements. Inform the school as early as possible
- Ensure you have advised your child’s before and after school care providers of your child’s classroom name.
- Discuss with your child the routine of pick up and drop off, especially who they will see each day —Ensure you tell them daily if you will see them or another person.
- Practise your walking / biking routine
- Continue practise reading and writing with your child.
Getting Ready for School Countdown
2 weeks before School Starts
- Buy school booklist / school supplies
- Get haircut
- Check shoes and purchase if necessary
- Plan playdates with school friends
- Practise the walking route to school
1 Week before School Starts
- Set and review morning routine
- Set and review bedtime routine
- Talk about goals for school
- Check uniform
- Shop for packable lunch foods
2 Days before School Starts
- Freeze freezer packs: You could also use an inexpensive sponge, soaked wet and put in the freezer inside a snap lock bag.
- Prepare school bag by naming.
- Talk about new children and roleplay making friends. You could also talk about the children from Centenary that they will know, and who they will see on their first day.
1 Days before School Starts
- Prepare lunch box
- Lay out uniform for tomorrow
- Talk about goals and routines for before and after school
- Prepare breakfast for the next day
- Go to bed a little earlier than usual, children will tend to get up earlier due to the excitement of starting school
First Day of School !!!
- Morning Routine
- Healthy Breakfast
- Take “First Day of School” pictures
- Leave for School about 5 minutes early
- Encourage your child to carry their own bag into school