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Stage 1 of Centenary Childcare & Early Education Centre was officially opened on Saturday 2nd September, 1995.
The Centre Approved Providers, Peter and Lynne Price, had some very exciting and innovated ideas which have developed from their diverse teaching and life experiences in Australia and Overseas. Their goal was to create a unique, Educational Centre which was a ‘’new look for the future’’ for the Centenary suburbs.
These visions were supported with their selection of qualified, experienced and mature, caring staff and the utilization of a diverse range of exciting innovated equipment.
The Centenary Childcare & Early Education Centre and the experiences within the centre are based on the ‘thinking’ which has been inscribed on a plaque outside Centre 1 Reception.
“Our greatest asset is our imagination, If we can dream it, then we can do it”.
Stage 2 opened on 10th May 1997, and more than doubled the resources available to staff, parents and children. This ensured the greatest possible scope to develop the learning initiatives of young children.
The stage 2 foundation plaque states:
‘’Over half of everything we learning in our lifetime, is gained in our first 5 years….. Together let’s make these years a rewarding experience for our children.”
Stage 3 was opened on 20th October 2003, and was established as a special area for the older (preschool) children. The older children have their own adventure playground, and equipment and resources specifically designed for older ages. This has made our Centre unique, by providing a total care PLUS educational environment, from birth to primary school.

All Children from 12 months of age will have high-quality meals provided. The Centre's meals program, under the direction of a qualified Meals Manager, offers a wide variety of healthy and nutritious cooked meals, including a cup of milk every day for calcium requirements.
Our Kitchen is licensed with the Brisbane City Council on an annual basis, after meeting the strict hygiene and food storage and meals preparation standards, as set down by the Health Department Regulations.
Our Meals Manager ensures all our children's needs are met, whether they be dietary, allergy or religious. However, children who require an alternative meal which require additional special ingredients will incur a small addition to their daily fees.
"Child's Perspective''
When I get here in the morning, Mummy and I check the board to see what yummy things I'll be having for lunch today, oh and afternoon tea too. We get something different each day, sometimes its vegetable pasta, chicken casserole, soup, sandwiches or fish fingers and vegetables and sometimes we get my favourite, Spaghetti Bolognaise. The food is always really tasty and very colourful, lots of red, green and yellow. I don't like all of them, but I always try at least a bit. I can smell lunch being cooked in the morning when I'm walking to my room. Mummy always says "She wished she could stay for lunch too.'' After we finish lunch, and my tummy is full, its nearly time for a nap then I can dream of what's for afternoon tea. I dream of jelly and custard, yoghurt, cookies, crackers and vegemite or cheese and sultanas.
Innovative equipment that assists in child development, such as a Ball Pool, Care of Animals, Obstacle Courses are all made available to children on a regular basis. A large outdoor play area with plenty of shade for outdoor play and outdoor equipment with the highest quality soft fall materials.
Equipment includes climbing forts, sandpits, ramps and steps and access to verandah play which includes plants, home corner and dress-ups. New additions include a Wooden Cabin and a Shallow Interactive Creek Bed. Full use of iPads in the Preschool classes are available, with the latest children's educational software, is provided to children.

Class Size
Class sizes at the Centre range from 8 babies of 15 months age or less to 24 pre-schoolers of age 4 to 5 years of age.
All classrooms have a minimum of 2 staff in the room at all times.
The Centre recognises the importance of screening and detection of children's potential developmental disorders.
Therefore, ancillary services including Speech Therapy, Optometry, Behavioural Psychologists, and other specialists as required, are made available through the Centre upon need.
Contact us for more information.
Ancillary Services

Regular visits to the library, museums and other community location, and visits from police, ambulance and fire services personnel are provided throughout the year.
Involvement in many community associations such as those below are included to raise awareness and understanding:
Day for Daniel
Clean up Australia Day
Harmony Day
Earth Day
Australia's Biggest Morning Tea
International Day of Families
Mother's and Father's Day
Walk Safely to School
World Environment Day
Red Nose Day
Daffodil Day
Cupcake for RSPCA day
Science Week
Sustainability Week
International Literacy Day
Pink Ribbon Day
Remembrance Day

National Rating System

The Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) is responsible for the implementation and administration of the Quality Assurance System. This process reviews the quality of a Centre above the minimum standards. No parent can receive Federal Government childcare subsidies unless the Centre that they attend is prepared to be reviewed by totally arms length experts as part of the Australia Wide Government accreditation program.
Some state organisations which provide 'pre-schooling' programs do not participate in this National Accreditation process, but prefer to have their own internal staff review their own standards.We feel this is like "asking Dracula to conduct a stocktake of the bloodbank", and while we also have our ongoing internal quality control, we willingly participate in the fully independent National program.
Centenary Childcare & Early Education Centre has been accredited by the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA), and our current certificate received as a result of this review is shown below.The original certificate should be displayed in all Centres, and our original certificate is proudly displayed in our Centre foyer.​​ We are proud of our result, and our 'perfect score' provides security and piece of mind for our parents and their children who are in our care.
All Long Day Care Centres, Family Day Care Schemes and Outside School Hours Care Services, are required to be licenced in Queensland by the Department of Families.
This State Government Department sets the minimum standards that are necessary to operate in Queensland.
Centenary Childcare & Early Education Centre has been fully Licenced by the Department of Families.
In addition, we also have a licenced kitchen, from which our qualified chef prepares meals for our children each day.To obtain this licence, we are required to meet strict hygiene and meals preparation standards, as set by the Department of Health and the Brisbane City Council.